Thursday, 26 March 2009

Milk factory

This morning when I went to lactate, I discovered that I have ran out of milk bags, again. This would mean that I would have utilised about 540 bags! Out of curiousity, I did some calculations and concluded that I had produced an estimated 64.8 LITRES of milk since the birth of Lyra... not bad for a mini B (before pregnancy).

Then out of curiousity again, I wonder who made a more effective milk factory, me or a cow. So I did some research and found that on average a cow weighing 3000 kg, produces about 30-40 litres of milk a day. So for a cow's body weight, they produce a ratio of 11.7 ml per kg [(35L x 1000 ml) / 3000kg]. I produced (currently) about 455 ml (NOT including the amount I feed Lyra direct) per day, so that makes 10.8 ml per kg (455ml/42kg). And that's only the rate at which I expressed. If I add on the direct feedings which is estimated at 120 ml per feed x 4 night feeds... *tap tap calculator*... It means I would have produced 935ml per day, i.e. 22.3 ml per kg, way surpassing a dairy cow! Talk about being a milk factory! And I don't produce any green house effect! Ha!

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