Tuesday 27 October 2009

Days gone by

I had dinner at Susan Chan, Far East Plaza, level 5, today. I last ate there maybe some 6 years ago. Predictably, I ordered fish soup bee hoon. I half expected the taste of this dish to have changed but to my pleasant surprise, it tasted much the same as before. The familiar taste, sight, sound and smell of Susan Chan got me a little nostalgic. Change is constant though I wished some things remained the same, just as my bowl of fish soup bee hoon. Here's a list of things I miss...

I miss having a bunch of colleagues who are also my good friends. People I can talk crap to, from boob jobs to bedroom secrets. People who appreciate my weird sense of humour. Now, I have to wait for some monthly gathering which sometimes doesn't happen.

Hor Fan & Char Kway Teow
I miss the 2 dishes above from NUS Arts Canteen. The old uncle and auntie cooked with springy footsteps. I loved their food as much as watching them cook.

I actually miss the old bungalow which used to be my office. Haunting and beautiful.

Long Lost Friend
I miss a long lost friend who calls me by my nickname, Sotong.

Spontaneous travels to faraway places.

National Library
I spent many weekends daydreaming in the aisles along the bookshelves, in the garden and sitting on those red brick parapet. It was a lovely old dame.

Satay Club
No elaboration needed.

Guess as one ages, the list gets longer. Maybe I can add on as the years go by.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

I love my iPhone

I just love my iPhone. It allows me to do so many things while on the move, including updating this blog. How cool is that?

It's particularly useful now when I am volunteering for a really brain numbing ushering duty at a primary school. I could also surf, plan my time, play the many free games available, check emails, update my facebook and if you load the right applications, the list really goes on.

The only gripe I have is that it couldn't sync with my Lotus Notes... ... Though those who know me will think that's the best feature. Ha!

If you are looking to upgrade your phone, I would really strongly recommend iPhone.