Tuesday 3 November 2009


I must be getting old... I have been indulging in wallowing in the past lately. Remembering the places I have been to, the guys I have dated, the friends I made and lost, the adventures I had, the regrets I have to live with...

A lot of my memories have 3 very important men and 3 very important women. These 6 are probably the foundation which form my personality, set my worldview and made me who I am today. Yes,... blame it all on them. :P The 3 men are my dad, a guy I dated during my growing years, and my hubby and the 3 women are my mom, my sister and my best friend.

They all watched me grow and went through the best and the worst part of my life with me. My best friend, especially, was there with me during the turbulent teens,... she held my hand and cried with me when I was 1st heartbroken. She was there when I was the happiest (at my ROM) and was also there at my lowest. We goaded each other to do the dumbest thing (like dressing up and trying to pass off as air-stewardess at Changi airport, on a school day)... Ya ya, roll your eyeballs. We still tease each other about our 1st crushes and we are each others 2nd contact whenever something good or bad happens, after the hubbies. And maybe in some cases, we are each others 1st (e.g. suspected pregnancies).

My hubby is probably my second best friend. :P But still there are some things that men just don't get. Hubby and I met when I was probably at the best stage of my life. I had stipend from MOE, but none of the work and I had holidays. We went through a ‘轰轰烈烈’kind of relationship and had to play Romeo and Juliet for a year plus. Apt I guess since the 1st show we caught together was Romeo and Juliet, D'Caprio version... I miss the craziness in our relationship. Maybe becos we are both older and with so much more responsibilities that we just don't have time or energy to be crazy anymore. BUT all's not lost, we recently went kite-flying on a whim and it was quite fun even though we went a little late and could only fly the kite for a short 45 mins. It was a special 45 mins which made me feel more alive than I had been in months.

Anyway,... I probably shouldn't wallow so much in the past... especially not during office hours I guess.

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