Monday, 8 March 2010

I'm not rude

We had dinner with Edna and family on Saturday to celebrate Edna's daddy's scholarship. We went to this Japanese resturant, Nihon Mura, at Level 2 of IRAS. Good food at reasonable price. Sushi plates off conveyor belt is at $0.99, beef Tepankaki set is at $14.00 and the Tako Sashimi is at only $6.50, the cheapest I had so far. The place is spacious enough for 4 little kids to roam around. I would highly recommend this place.

Halfway through dinner, Edna and Lucas had some argument as they always do and this is a short except of what transpired.

Lucas: (saying something rude)
Edna: Lucas, don't be rude okay?
Lucas: ... I'm not rude okay, I'm Lucas! (sniggers)
Edna: +_+"""

I thought that was a funny and quick retort. Very KL and very typical of him.

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